Gastric Sleeve

One option to improve the cosmetic look of your smile is to have your metal-coloured fillings replaced with tooth-coloured or `white` fillings. This is a safe procedure that entails one of our dentists removing any decay from your tooth, taking out the metal or amalgam filling and placing a tooth coloured filling instead. The new filling is made from a very hard substance and will withstand the forces in your mouth when you bite and chew over a long period of time. This will allow you to smile without a metallic glint in sight, giving your teeth a more natural appearance overall.

As dentists we believe prevention is always better than cure and will always encourage and help you to look after your teeth so you don`t develop tooth decay in the first place. If you do have decay and need a filling then we recommend white fillings as a good solution that is both aesthetic and functional.

Why Dental Fillings Are Important

Patients often experience tooth decay because of inappropriate nutritional habits, poor oral care at home or genetics leading to many cavities. Before creating a treatment plan, the dental professional will extensively review the patient’s medical history and their daily routine in efforts to detect any underlying issues such as medical ailments that may be the reason for exaggerated decay formation. According to collected information, a proper course of treatment is chosen including suitable dental materials most beneficial to the individual needs of each patient.

The Procedure of Tooth Filling

Although each procedure varies subtly, there are some basic guidelines to treat cavities, and they are followed by all dental professionals.

  • The patient is anesthetized using local anesthesia such as Carbocaine for short procedures, Lidocaine for medium length sessions, and Marcaine for multiple fillings. Patients with feelings of anxiety may be offered Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) for the duration of the treatment. Only in extreme cases, the patient is given IV sedation or general anesthesia and may be referred to a more suitable dental setting such as a hospital.
  • The area to be treated is secured by latex sheet that protects the tooth and keeps it dry during the procedure. It also prevents the debris from entering the oral region keeping the patient comfortable. For multiple fillings, when the treatment may require extended period of time, a bite block is used to help the patient keep their mouth open in a relaxed position without any strain on the jaw muscles.
  • In case of composite fillings, the shade is chosen to closely mimic the appearance of the surrounding dentition.
  • The decay is removed using a high-speed handpiece, slow-speed handpiece, laser or the combination of all three devices. The prepared surface may be etched with an appropriate solution to remove any remaining bacteria and create a porous layer for adhesive purposes. Amalgam or resin material is placed in small increments using hand instruments. The biting surface is then checked and adjusted as necessary.

Filling placement is necessary to treat cavities and prolong the longevity of the natural teeth. With today’s technology continuously improving, new methods are developed to benefit the patients and ensure their positive oral health for a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions about Laparoscopic Surgery

The general answer to this is yes. Make sure to tell your surgeon and anesthesiologist about all prior operations, especially those on your abdomen and pelvis.

Yes, but you may need medical clearance from your cardiologist. Bariatric surgery leads to improvement in most problems related to heart disease including high blood pressure, cholesterol, lipid problems, heart enlargement (dilated heart, or abnormal thickening), vascular (artery and vein) disease, and coronary (heart artery) disease.

Most patients go home the day after surgery once they can drink enough to stay well hydrated. Because of the small incisions, the pain usually is well controlled with oral pain medications at home. Almost all the patients are expected to walk a few hours after gastric sleeve surgery and can start their clear liquid diet the morning after their surgery.

That all depends on your occupation: if you have an office based job then you are looking at a week off work. You will need longer if you do a job which includes heavy lifting or carrying.

Having a sleeve gastrectomy means that you will be on smaller portions but, you can eat most things in moderation. If you have had a bypass or switch then you will be on a limited diet. This means plenty of protein, carbohydrates and very little fat. If you have something which is high in fat then one of the more unpleasant side effects is that of diarrhea. Your dietician at the aftercare visits will be able to advise you more on this.

Yes. Most people think of a “diet” as a plan that leaves you hungry. That is not the way people feel after surgery. Eventually, most patients get some form of appetite back 6-18 months after surgery. Your appetite is much weaker, and easier to satisfy than before. This does not mean that you can eat whatever and whenever you want. Healthier food choices are important to best results, but most patients still enjoy tasty food, and even “treats.” Most patients also think of exercise as something that must be intense and painful (like “boot camp”). Regular, modest, activity is far more useful in the long term. Even elite athletes can’t stay at a “peak” every week of the year. Sometimes exercise is work, but if it becomes as punishing, never-ending battle, you will not keep going. Instead, work with your surgeon’s program to find a variety of activities that can work for you. There is no ” one-size-fits-all” plan. Expect to learn and change as you go! For many patients, exercise is more important for regular stress control, and for appetite control, than simply burning off calories. As we age, inactivity can lead to being frail or fragile, which is quite dangerous to overall health. Healthy bones and avoiding muscle loss partly depends on doing weekly weight bearing (including walking) or muscle resistance (weights or similar) exercise.

Yes. Most people think of a “diet” as a plan that leaves you hungry. That is not the way people feel after surgery. Eventually, most patients get some form of appetite back 6-18 months after surgery. Your appetite is much weaker, and easier to satisfy than before. This does not mean that you can eat whatever and whenever you want. Healthier food choices are important to best results, but most patients still enjoy tasty food, and even “treats.” Most patients also think of exercise as something that must be intense and painful (like “boot camp”). Regular, modest, activity is far more useful in the long term. Even elite athletes can’t stay at a “peak” every week of the year. Sometimes exercise is work, but if it becomes as punishing, never-ending battle, you will not keep going. Instead, work with your surgeon’s program to find a variety of activities that can work for you. There is no ” one-size-fits-all” plan. Expect to learn and change as you go! For many patients, exercise is more important for regular stress control, and for appetite control, than simply burning off calories. As we age, inactivity can lead to being frail or fragile, which is quite dangerous to overall health. Healthy bones and avoiding muscle loss partly depends on doing weekly weight bearing (including walking) or muscle resistance (weights or similar) exercise.

As you lose weight, you may be able to reduce or eliminate the need fro many of the medications you take for high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, cholesterol, and diabetes. Do not stop taking your medication without consulting your primary care physician.

Yes. Most people think of a “diet” as a plan that leaves you hungry. That is not the way people feel after surgery. Eventually, most patients get some form of appetite back 6-18 months after surgery. Your appetite is much weaker, and easier to satisfy than before. This does not mean that you can eat whatever and whenever you want. Healthier food choices are important to best results, but most patients still enjoy tasty food, and even “treats.” Most patients also think of exercise as something that must be intense and painful (like “boot camp”). Regular, modest, activity is far more useful in the long term. Even elite athletes can’t stay at a “peak” every week of the year. Sometimes exercise is work, but if it becomes as punishing, never-ending battle, you will not keep going. Instead, work with your surgeon’s program to find a variety of activities that can work for you. There is no ” one-size-fits-all” plan. Expect to learn and change as you go! For many patients, exercise is more important for regular stress control, and for appetite control, than simply burning off calories. As we age, inactivity can lead to being frail or fragile, which is quite dangerous to overall health. Healthy bones and avoiding muscle loss partly depends on doing weekly weight bearing (including walking) or muscle resistance (weights or similar) exercise.